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更新时间:2024-04-12 浏览次数:5 类型:期末考试
  • 2.  听句子,选择适当的答语。
    1. (1)
      A . An eraser. B . My brother. C . Boring.
    2. (2)
      A . Not at all. B . Sounds great! C . Because it's fun.
    3. (3)
      A . January 3rd. B . It's sunny. C . It's Friday.
    4. (4)
      A . Chinese. B . Bread. C . Bananas.
    5. (5)
      A . In the boxes. B . They are old. C . They are my classmates.
  • 8.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How many boys are there in Kate's class?
      A . 19. B . 27. C . 46.
    2. (2) What is on the wall?
      A . A clock. B . A map of the world. C . A map of America.
  • 9.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the boy's favorite?
      A . Vegetables. B . Chocolate cake. C . Fruit.
    2. (2) How can the boy eat his favorite?
      A . He has to eat an apple first. B . He has to buy some cakes. C . He has to cook dinner.
    3. (3) What does the boy hate to eat?
      A . Green beans. B . Carrots. C . Tomatoes.
  • 10.  听短文,选择正确答案。
    1. (1) Which class is Cindy in?
      A . Class 7, Grade 6. B . Class 3, Grade 7. C . Class 6, Grade 7.
    2. (2) What are Cindy's new subjects?
      A . Geography and music. B . Art and history. C . Science and history.
    3. (3) What is Cindy's favorite day?
      A . Thursday. B . Friday. C . Saturday.
    4. (4) Why does Sonia like Monday?
      A . She has English on that day. B . She has science on that day. C . She has music on that day.
    5. (5) What subject does Cindy's father teach?
      A . PE.   B . Math. C . Chinese.
  • 11.  听短文,填表格。(每空一词)

    Jim's new house

    How is it?

    Beautiful and 

    Where is it?

    On a street. 

    What is across from it?

    A big and new 

    What's behind it?

    A big 

    Where is the school?

     his home. 

  • 34.  根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出五个最佳选项,其中有一项为多余选项。

    A. Would you like to go with me? 

    B. Let's meet at your home at 9:00 a. m.

    C. I'd like to.

    D. What's up?

    E. Sounds great! 

    F. We will meet at the bookshop.                 

    A: Hi, Ann. Are you free tomorrow?

    B: Yes, Mary. 

    A: I want to buy some books. 

    B: Sure, 

    A: There is a new bookshop near the Centre Park, we can go there for a walk after shopping. 

    B:  When and where shall we meet?


    B: No problem, see you then.  

  • 35.  完形填空

    What do you want to be in the future? There are four students who are talking1 their future. 

     Han Ming: I want to be a pilot(飞行员) when I grow up. So I need good eyesight and I have to take 2 lessons. I really 3 travelling. 

    Chen Ying: I want to be 4 engineer(工程师) when I grow up. I'm going to study design and engineering at university. My5 is to build the longest bridge in the world.

    Gao Liang: I want to be an actor when I grow up. I'm going to take acting lessons, and maybe singing and dancing lessons,6 . I hope I can be 7 one day.

    Zhang Wei: I want to be a 8 player when I grow up. I know that I have to train hard every day. It isn't 9 , but I will keep on 10 it. I want to be a basketball star in the future.

    A .  with       B .  about     C .  in        D .  to
    A .  flying B .  swimming C .  singing D .  playing
    A .  want B .  ask C .  make D .  enjoy
    A .  an B .  the C .  a D .  /
    A .  job B .  subject C .  dream D .  answer
    A .  also B .  too C .  either D .  neither
    A .  afraid B .  famous C .  nervous D .  worried
    A .  basketball B .  tennis C .  badminton D .  soccer
    A .  difficult B .  different C .  easy D .  excited
    A .  did B .  to do C .  do D .  doing
  • 36.  根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误

    A young man and an old man are walking in the park. The old man is behind the young man. 

    There is a chair in front of the young man. The old man is very glad to see the chair. He isn't very strong. 

     He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes. He walks to the chair. He sees the young man walking to it too. So he begins to run. Now he is in front of the young man. 

    The young man says, "Don't sit on that chair!" The old man doesn't listen to him. He is sitting on it. He looks happy. The young man comes over to him. He is holding a small board in his hand. It says, "Wet Paint(油漆未干). "

    1. (1) Two young men are walking in the park. 
    2. (2) There is a chair in front of the young man. 
    3. (3) The old man isn't going to sit on the chair. 
    4. (4) The old man listens to the young man and doesn't sit on the chair. 
    5. (5) The young man isn't going to sit on the chair. 
  • 37.  根据表格的内容信息选出最佳选项

    March 16, 2024 will be our School Day. To make the students' school life interesting and colorful, the teachers and the students are planning to have a big party to celebrate it in the evening. The party will be held at the school gym from 7:30 p. m. to 8: 30 p. m. on Friday. On the daytime, we are going to have many creative and meaningful classes, such as robot-making and paper-cutting. Here is the time table and the list of the party.


    Class &Program




    English time:Learn to sing

    Each classroom


    Science Experiments

    Lab 1


    Students' Sports Show



    Robot-making Show

    Lab 2



    Students' Paper-cutting Show

    Art Room


    Video Time

    TV room



    Concert:Praise of the White Angel


    Comic Dialogue:Wearing Masks(口罩)

    English Speech

    Rules to follow:

    ★Don't make much noise. 

    ★Keep the rooms and the gym clean. 

    ★Parents are welcome to sit at the back. 

    1. (1) The teachers and the students will have their School Day on____. 
      A . March 26, 2023 B . April 26, 2023 C . April 16, 2024 D . March 16, 2024
    2. (2) The purpose of the School Day is to make the students' school life____. 
      A . dull and interesting B . interesting and colorful C . unforgettable and difficult D . boring and fantastic
    3. (3) ____ will be on at 10: 20 a. m. on the playground. 
      A . Robot-making Show B . Science Experiments C . Students' Sports Show D . Students' Paper-cutting show
    4. (4) The meaning of the underlined word gym is____. 
      A . 多媒体室 B . 体育馆 C . 操场 D . 音乐厅
    5. (5) The best title for this ad is____. 
      A . Our School Day B . Our School Party C . Parents are Welcome to Our School D . Our School Life
  • 38.  阅读理解

    Lan Lin is wearing an apron(围裙) with embroidery(刺绣的) patterns and bright colors. She is interested in embroidery. 

    "I always wear the old apron when I make a new work. It can make me do better in embroidery. Zhuang embroidery skills have a long history. They are popular in Guangxi," said the 48-year-old from Guangxi.

    Lan comes from an embroidery family of Zhuang. She has a talent for embroidery. At 16, she made her first piece of clothing. However, in the late 1990s, machine embroidery became popular, the traditional crafts(工艺) nearly got lost. 

    Lan wanted to keep the family tradition, so she built her own workshop with the help of her sisters and brothers. "If we couldn't hand the craftsmanship down, it would be a great loss. " she said. Over the past 20 years, Lan has trained over 2,000 women. The they work as craftswomen(手艺人) and make money by embroidery. They can embroider at home, and at the same time,    ▲    .

    "It's my lifelong dream to not only create Zhuang embroidery works but also bring the art into the daily life," she said.

    1. (1) What does the underline word "talent" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
      A . 技巧 B . 天赋 C . 勤劳 D . 聪慧
    2. (2) Why did the traditional crafts nearly get lost?
      A . Because it was too expensive. B . Because there were few craftspeople. C . Because machine embroidery came out. D . Because it was hard to learn to embroider.
    3. (3) What did Lan do to keep the family tradition?
      A . She bought machines B . She built a workshop C . She helped her sister D . She gave some lessons
    4. (4) Which of the following can be put in the____?
      A . They can go shopping. B . They can learn to embroider. C . They can visit their friends easily. D . They can look after their children.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Lan is too old to work. B . Lan wants to make more money. C . Lan wants to teach more students. D . Lan wants to make Zhuang embroidery more popular.
  • 39.  阅读理解

    In your dreams, you may clearly see something or hear someone talking. But what about smells? Can you ever remember smells from your dreams?

    A study published in 1896 looked at different sensory experiences in dreams. It found that visual(视觉的) experience mainly controls(控制) one's dreams. It takes up about 85 percent, while auditory (听觉的) experience makes up 69 percent, and smell only 7 percent.

    But why? Scientists from the University of Illinois, US, have a theory based on what is known about the brain. 

    In our brain, there is a special part called the cerebral cortex (大脑皮层). It is linked to our feelings. As much as two-thirds of the cerebral cortex works in vision. So vision appears often in dreams. Auditory experience is closely tied to language, and language is processed(处理) in the cerebral cortex. 

    Smell, on the other hand, has little to do with the cerebral cortex. It connects directly to the memory and emotional(情感的) systems. That is why a smell can sometimes bring back a distant(久远的) memory. 

    Another possibility is that perhaps smell is not easily affected(受影响) by our imagination(想象力). For example, close your eyes and imagine your favorite dish. What do you get? It is easy to think about what it looks like. But it is not as easy to imagine its smell. 

    The vision and auditory senses are part of a complex process(复杂的过程) inside the brain. But smell is a direct(直接的) measurement(测量) of chemicals in the air. There is less imagination involved in smell. Therefore, smell might be less influenced by the brain activity that happens while dreaming. It is similar(类似于) to taste and touch. That is why you don't usually have the experience of taste and touch in your dreams.

    1. (1) Which experience mainly controls one's dreams, according to the 1896 study?
      A . Smell. B . Vision. C . Hearing. D . Taste and touch.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the US scientists' brain theory?
      A . Less than half of the cerebral cortex works in vision. B . Auditory experience is not tied to language. C . Smell has almost nothing to do with the cerebral cortex. D . It's difficult to imagine what things in your dreams look like.
    3. (3) According to paragraphs 6 and 7, it's easier to imagine a dish's____.
      A . look than its smell B . smell than its look C . taste than its smell D . smell than its taste
    4. (4) Which is the passage probably taken from?
      A . A novel. B . A history textbook. C . A science magazine. D . A storybook.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the story?
      A . How does the cerebral cortex work? B . Why can't you smell in your dreams? C . What experience happens most often in dreams? D . Why can't you remember smells from your dreams?
  • 60.  根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确的形式填空。

    with true hope one everyone beautiful laugh fresh try little

    The name of my best friend is Nancy. She is friendly to , so she is the most popular in my class. 

    She is very funny and always makes me . She is taller than me, though I am one year older than her. I am a  overweight(超重的). She is thinner than me. She often tells me to eat more  fruit and run every day. She says they're good for health. Nancy is hard-working. I like to study with her. She always helps me  my lessons. Last month in the school English singing competition, she sang the most , so she won the  prize. I really felt happy for her. She is my  friend. Whenever I have any difficulties, she always  her best to help me. 

    She is similar to me in many ways. I  our friendship will last forever. 

  • 61. 假如你是李华,你校英语报刊《英语天地》最近正在举办关于中国传统节日的征文活动。现在正值年关将近,请你根据以下提示,以"My Favourite Festival—Spring Festival"为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。

    写作要点:1. 春节的意义; 
    2. 传统的庆祝方式; 
    3. 喜欢它的原因。

    写作要求:1. 内容必须包含给出的所有信息,可适当发挥;
    2. 结构完整,语句流畅,意思清楚连贯;
    3. 文中不得透露个人信息

    参考词汇:贴春联paste up couplets 放烟花set off fireworks visit relatives走亲戚  

    My Favourite FestivalThe Spring Festival

