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更新时间:2024-04-15 浏览次数:13 类型:期末考试
一、第一部分 单项填空,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
二、第二部分 阅读,第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Advance Africa Volunteers in Kenya offers opportunities to international volunteers in schools, hospitals and community medical clinics. 

    Kenya Volunteer Program Schedule

    You can volunteer for any duration and stay as long as you wish. You can arrive at any time during the month and the volunteer work starts the following day. You will typically work between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Monday to Friday. You will spend your spare time shopping, eating out, seeing movies, chatting with other volunteers or swimming. 

    Kenya Volunteer Program is open to:

    We invite individuals, couples, families, students, researchers, and groups (churches, colleges, and student associations). 

    Volunteering in Kenya Costs

    Cost for 2 weeks or less $500. 00

    Cost for 1 month $700 00

    Cost for 6 weeks $900. 00

    Cost for 2 months $1, 100. 00

    $200 more for every extra two weeks. 

    No refunds (退款) will be paid to any volunteer who has arrived in the country and started on their program due to program change, early departures etc. 

    Our Volunteer in Kenya Program Offers

    We have volunteers all year round. This gives you plenty of company to enjoy exciting travel adventures. Some of our volunteer travel projects do not require specific skills. Everyone can participate regardless of age or gender. Other projects require particular skills, education or interest. 

    The volunteer in Kenya program fee covers communication, airport pick-up, local support, in-country orientation, training, accommodation and two meals per day (three meals over the weekends if you are at the provided accommodation). 

    The volunteer in Kenya costs you need to meet are: your flight to and from the country, visa fees, work permits, travel insurance, in-country transport and return trip to the airport. 

    Typical Living Arrangements: Advance Africa Volunteers' house and home-stays.

    1. (1) What can we know about Kenya Volunteer Program?
      A . It has flexible schedule. B . It is targeted at the youth. C . It offers hotel accommodation. D . It needs previous experience.
    2. (2) What are the fees for 10-week volunteering?
      A . $800. 00. B . $1, 000. 00. C . $1, 100. 00. D . $1. 300. 00.
    3. (3) What does Kenya Volunteer Program offer?
      A . Travel insurance. B . Free transport. C . Airport pick-up service. D . Financial support.
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Growing up in Canterbury, Scartozzi recalls swimming in rivers as part of her childhood. When she returned many years later, however, she noticed things had changed. "Some of the places where I could swim before now have signs saying ‘polluted water, do not swim'," she says. "I wanted to take my kids to places to swim but we couldn't because these signs were up."

    Although the experience was sad and surprising, it has also served as fuel for Scartozzi, who's now focusing on restoring the health of waterways. Her company called eCleanEnvirotech is developing technology to remove pollutants from waterways such as rivers, ponds and streams. It involves feeding polluted water into a system housing microbes (微生物) that eat or break up the pollutants.

    The "engineered" nature of the technology, Scartozzi explains, means it's adaptable for different environment conditions. Each system can be personalized with its own unique "soup" of microbes to remove the pollutants in any waterway where it is installed (安装).

    Other advantages of the technology, she says, are that it can process water relatively quickly and that it can be used to treat waterways in a variety of sizes and locations.

    She says she hopes to create cleaner water for the benefit of future generations. "My passion is around restoring the health of these waterways. And my purpose is to do anything that I can to return them to their former condition. That's what drives me every day. If I can do anything, it is so that in the future, my kids and grandchildren have somewhere where they can go swimming and fishing."

    1. (1) What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
      A . Scartozzi and her kids were fond of swimming. B . The experience inspired Scartozzi to clean up waterways. C . Waterways in the world were unsuitable for swimming. D . The company focuses on the development of the technology.
    2. (2) What is one advantage of the technology?
      A . It is convenient and economic. B . It can be used in limited waterways. C . It functions slowly but effectively. D . Its system is flexible and efficient.
    3. (3) What is the goal of Scartozzi?
      A . To introduce her company. B . To swim and fish in the river. C . To regain healthy waterways. D . To educate future generations.
    4. (4) Which of the following can best describe Scartozzi?
      A . Energetic B . Curious. C . Outgoing. D . Responsible.
  • 23. 阅读理解

    Using needles to deliver drugs has been common for more than a century. The past hundred years have seen all manner of medical advances, from life-saving medicine and X-rays to mRNA vaccines and special cancer treatments. Yet the needle has stayed mostly unchanged. Although now available in a variety of different sizes, it remains a hollow (having a hole or empty space inside), pointy tube.

    With luck, that may soon change. As Yichi Ma, a scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues outline in a review paper, researchers around the world are looking for ways to ease the pain when needles go into the skin. Many have been inspired by nature.

    The team got their idea from mosquitoes, which manage to get their blood meals without causing great pain to people. One reason is that the insects use painkilling chemicals when they first puncture(刺穿) the skin. But there is another reason. The point of a mosquito's saw-like proboscis(锯齿状的喙) is softer at its tip. The insect makes the skin of its target tight before biting, and shakes its proboscis as it pushes the proboscis in. All of this helps reduce the force needed to puncture the skin.

    One paper, published in 2020 by a group of researchers in America and China, found that a mosquito-inspired needle required 27% less puncturing force than an ordinary one. And less force means less pain. Mosquito-inspired needles might also be useful for delicate procedures such as biopsies (the examination of tissue taken from a living body). A paper from the University of Michigan, also published in 2020, found that scientists could improve biopsies of tissue in some body organs. The lower force led to less movement of the organ itself, ensuring that the needles were guided accurately to the area that needed sampling.

    For now, such devices remain limited to labs. But there is a big market for better needles. According to WHO, around 16 billion injections were given in 

    2018. With one person in four saying they suffer from a fear of needles, the savings on stickers and sweets for the brave souls who roll up their sleeves would be considerable.

    1. (1) What can we infer about needles from Paragraph 1?
      A . Their importance has been ignored for long. B . They fall behind other medical innovations. C . Their size remains the same for over a century. D . They had a poor source of supply for decades.
    2. (2) What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
      A . The source of scientists' inspiration. B . The chemical compounds found in mosquitoes. C . The unique structure of a mosquito's proboscis. D . The harmful effects of mosquito bites on humans.
    3. (3) Why did the author mention the figures in the last paragraph?
      A . To show people's anxiety about injections. B . To highlight the limitations of current needle designs. C . To draw attention to the dangers of too many injections. D . To emphasize the potential demand for improved needles.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . The Limitations of Current Needle Designs B . The Role of Needles in Traditional Chinese Medicine C . Enhancing Needle Technology: Lessons from Mosquitoes D .  The Impact of Needle Innovation on Medical Advancements
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Starting in the mid-2010s, the success of streaming services like Spotify, Tencent and Apple Music led the music industry into a period of steady income growth. But the rise of streaming hasn't just transformed the business of music; it has changed the music as well.

    In 1972, the Temptations hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 charts, winning three Grammys, with a seven-minute version of the song "Papa Was a Rollin' Stone". Before the Temptations sing a word, an instrumental introduction plays for more than four minutes. If the group were in the studio today, the title chorus (副歌) would most likely have been featured much earlier in the song. That's because music streaming services pay artists based on the number of plays each month, and to count as a play, a user must listen to the song past the 30-second mark. If a song you've never heard before takes a long time to get to the hook (旋律最好的部分), there is a good chance that you may simply hit the button to go to the next song. To keep the "skip rate (跳过率)" as low as possible, musical artists are increasingly moving a song's hook to that initial 30-second sweet spot.

    Every track that is listened to for more than 30 seconds counts as a play, but whether a listener makes it all the way through a song helps to determine whether a streaming service like Spotify will recommend similar songs in the future. For a musician, getting a song on Spotify's popular Today's Top Hits playlist means real money. A study by researchers at the University of Minnesota and the European Joint Research Centre found that songs on the list gained an average of 20 million streams, worth up to $163,000 in royalties (版税).

    As a result, according to an analysis by blogger Michael Tauberg, the average length of hit songs has dropped by more than 30 seconds since 2000, when it was over four minutes. Nearly two-thirds of the songs that achieved the number one spot in the first half of 2021 were under three minutes long.

    1. (1) Why is the Temptations mentioned in paragraph 2?
      A . To explain what made a song special in the past. B . To show admiration for their musical achievements. C . To illustrate the structure of popular songs in the past. D . To introduce the changes in song structure brought about by streaming.
    2. (2) What is the result of a song taking a long time to get to the hook?
      A . The artists will receive higher royalties. B . The listeners are more likely to skip it. C . It will be recommended to more users. D . It will be more popular among listeners.
    3. (3) What contributes to the decreasing average length of hit songs?
      A . Advance in music production technology. B . The change in listeners' musical preference. C . The desire for higher streaming-based income. D . Increased competition among streaming platforms.
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . How streaming changes the length of music. B . How streaming services produce hit songs. C . How streaming promotes the development of music. D . How streaming influences our preference for music.
三、第二部分 阅读,第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
  • 25. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you think you're a pessimist and there's no hope of ever turning it around, then think again! According to mental health experts, it is actually very possible to turn into a glass-half-full kind of person, and here's what you can do to see things in a brighter light.

     Writing down your ideas of an optimistic tomorrow will make a huge difference when it comes to your overall attitude to life. You may also want to consider a serious challenge you have in life right now, and simply sit back and think about all of the possible positive outcomes.

    Choose to be optimistic. Life is all about choices. You can choose to spend the entire day reading or cleaning. You can make the call you've been thinking about for a while or you can put it off for another day. What's more, you can also choose to be positive or you can choose to simply carry on living as you are. And then carry on that way for the rest of your life.

    Extend positiveness to others. Making others feel good about themselves can have lasting positive effects on your own life. Never forget to admire your family, friends, and colleagues for the good things which they are doing in their lives, even if they don't directly affect you.

    Recognize your negative thought patterns. It's fine to acknowledge that bad things in life might happen at any time. Yet being overly negative can seriously ruin your chances of finding happiness in his life. Reframing your awkwardly negative thoughts into more realistic patterns may be the key to helping you maintain optimism.

    Practice gratitude. Spend some time thinking about all of the things you have to be thankful for.  You could even choose to keep diaries, where you can put down anything which makes you smile. If nothing else, take a moment every once in a while to stop, smile and be thankful for the positive things in life.

    A. Imagine a positive future.

    B. Form the habit of keeping diaries.

    C. Of course, it's also necessary to praise yourself.

    D. Ignoring reality isn't the most helpful method either.

    E. Being optimistic starts with the decision to be positive.

    F. It will often provide you with an instant optimism boost.

    G. Take a moment to work out how realistic your thoughts really are.

四、第三部分 语言运用,第一节 完型填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
  • 26. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I can remember the first time it happened. Class was getting out of hand. Our teacher, after quieting us six times as she tried to keep our 1  on the task at hand, finally gave up and informed we could take a rest. Instantly, the classroom erupted with students 2  their seats, laughing and talking.

    And then there was me. I sat 3 in my chair. I finished the activity and then worked on a project, completely content. I didn't associate what I was doing with 4 behavior; I just had no desire to be loud and crazy.

    As parents started to arrive, our teacher . 5 the chattering children with a half-hearted smile. But when my mother 6 ,she commented, "Your daughter is such a nice girl in class. She's a 7 ." And there it was: my first "nice".

    Whether or not I knew it, a 8 had been set for my future behavior, though my teacher probably didn't mean it.

    As years passed, I became9  in the art of nice. But as much as I loved praise, I was too 10  to dare be anything but nice.

    People rarely see the Real Me, because the Real Me is 11 .She doesn't clean her room as often as she should. She's 12 at making decisions. Nice became a shelter I 13 my real feelings. "It's like living a. 14 life," I thought. I am 15 with being nice. I want to be the best of myself, not the nicest.

    A .  sight B .  focus C .  spirit D .  preference
    A .  moving B .  changing C .  adjusting D .  leaving
    A .  excitedly B .  hopelessly C .  quietly D .  nervously
    A .  positive B .  normal C .  complex D .  strange
    A .  picked out B .  handed over C .  showed off D .  drove away
    A .  arrived B .  demanded C .  followed D .  insisted
    A .  treasure B .  legend C .  star D .  champion
    A .  plan B .  style C .  standard D .  goal
    A .  poorly-adapted B .  well-trained C .  annoyed D .  confused
    A .  active B .  honest C .  eager D .  scared
    A .  shy B .  perfect C .  messy D .  unique
    A .  terrible B .  quick C .  wise D .  careful
    A .  managed B .  shared C .  expressed D .  hid
    A .  simple B .  comfortable C .  double D .  busy
    A .  familiar B .  tired C .  confident D .  pleased
五、第三部分 语言运用,第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
  • 27. (2023高二上·新泰月考)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The craft of Shao Lujie, a 28-year-old Chinese craftsman from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, is known  quilling — a form of art that involves the use of paper strips (纸条) that are rolled, shaped and glued together to form complex designs.

    Shao's works mainly feature flowers and other plants. He created multiple works for the 19th Asian Games, featuring the event's three mascots (吉祥物) and logo. In the past few years, Shao  (develop) cultural and creative products with local characteristics. His another  (improve) is that techniques and equipment have been simplified, making it easier for people to try.

    Since childhood, Shao has enjoyed painting and handicrafts. Having finished the learning of quilling in 2016 from master of the art, Shao began to devote himself  (entire) to the craft. Later, by imitating the works of his instructors, he learned how  (apply) new methods to his own works, combining this paper art handicraft with painting and different design elements.

    In an age  AI-generated art works are entering the art market, Shao still sticks to this ancient craft. Every step — weaving, cutting, rubbing, folding, and pressing —  (do) by hand.

    To get youngsters interested in the craft, Shao has gone online, sharing articles  (write) by himself and posting pictures of his latest works. Shao is considering  (open) an exhibition hall so that more people can learn about this craft and, ideally, pass it down, to future generations.

六、第三部分 语言运用,第三节 单词(词组)填空 在下列句子中,根据句意或中文提示,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,每空一词,请把完整单词填在答题卡上。(共 15小题;每题1分,满分15分)
七、第四部分 作文(满分 15 分)
  • 43.  假定你是李华,最近你和你的父母在选择未来职业方面有了分歧。为此你打算给曾经的外教,来自英国的Mr. Smith,写封电子邮件求助,内容包括:1.问候Mr. Smith;2.你希望成为野生动植物摄影师及原因;3.父母反对的原因(至少两点);4.咨询Mr. Smith如何说服父母尊重你的理想。


    参考词汇:野生动植物摄影师wildlife photographer

    Dear Mr. Smith, 


    Li Hua

